Wednesday 27 February 2013

Maya's Blogpost: Mother's Love

In the lush green plains of Africa,a mother cheetah is hunting zebras and antelopes to bring back to her cubs.The cubs are asleep in the den lined with straw.The mother cheetah crouches down low behind a clump of grass when she spots a herd of antelopes.When she sees a little antelope has wandered away from the rest of the herd.The mother cheetah leaps out from behind the clump of grass and pounces on the young antelope.With a lash of her teeth,the little antelope is killed instantly.She carries the precious dinner back to the den where her cubs are sleeping.When she nears the den,she is greeted by hungry mews.The mother cheetah responds with a soothing ‘purr’.She tears the antelope into chunks for her cubs to eat.The cubs eat up the antelope hungrily.After dinner the mother cheetah washes her cubs and puts them to bed in their straw-lined den.She purrs softly to her cubs as they fall fast asleep.The mother cheetah curls herself around her cubs.The next day when the dew is still on the grass the mother cheetah sets out on a morning hunt.The birds are singing in the trees.All was still,except for the mother cheetah walking through the tall grass.She spots a herd of zebra grazing on the lush green grass.She crouches down low behind a tuft of grass.When she spots a young zebra that has wandered away from the rest of the herd.She jumps out from behind the tuft of grass and pounces on the young zebra.With a quick lash of her jaw she kills the zebra instantly.The mother cheetah carries the dead zebra back to her den.In her minds eye she can see her two cubs curled up around each other in the straw lined den.On her way back from her hunt she spots a figure with a gun on his back.It was an animal’s worst fear.Poachers.She hurries back to her den fearing the worst.The mother cheetah keeps low to the ground as she half crawls,half walks along the grass lined path.When she reaches her den she quickly gives her cubs their breakfast.After breakfast is over the mother cheetah and her cubs quickly rush into the darkest part of the den.She curls herself around her cubs,hoping the danger would pass by quickly.The mother cheetah hears a gunshot outside followed by the voice saying ‘Those cats always escape!!’ The mother cheetah and her cubs give a relieved ‘purr’. The cheetah cubs start playing with their mother’s tail and give contented growls and purrs.The poachers made one last attempt to kill the cheetah mother and her cubs but they failed miserably and the mother cheetah and her cubs lived happily in the lush green plains of  Africa

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