Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Brain week. 

On the week of the 16-20th September went to the Lloyd building in trinity college. There we attended lectures given by professor Mani Ramiswami and other guest speakers. The topics of the talks ranged from the fantastical talk on the diseases that a person would have to have in order to share the same characteristics as a zombie to the highly practical and inspirational talks given by Jane Farrer on genetic therapy. The week was very interesting and highly eye opening and educational. It gave us a great window into what we would be doing if we went to college and especially if we studied science.

Douglas & Wendy.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

JSS TY 2013 go to University

Last week Transition Year students had a privileged introduction to university life at Trinity College Dublin as guests of  Prof. Mani Ramaswami. This was Brain Week. We learned how the brain works, what happens when messages are blocked or redirected, how brain function is studied, interesting effects of brain disorders, how disorders are inherited, how we learn and more. Each day we were treated  a guest lecture from other professors in Trinity Neurosciences on such topics as "Learning from Fruitfly Brains", "Gene Therapy in treating Blindness", "Synaesthesia" even a TedEx talk on "How to Prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse". On the final day four presentations were delivered by TY. It was deemed a most interesting, enjoyable and challenging week by all. 

TY with Prof. Ramaswami & guests gathered at Dept of Neurosciences the Lloyd Institute